I’m Diana!
I’m a girl who loves to eat but not spend a lot of time in the kitchen. I started a weight loss journey, joining Weight Watchers back in March of 2020 when COVID hit. We were all quarantined and thankfully I was able to work from home. It was easy for me at the time to stick to plan. I worked out in my living room and stuck to eating meals at home that I made for myself. There was no eating out and I had plenty of time to fit in workouts. I had lost 90 pounds in 15 months and in the best shape I had been in years. Then…we all went back to working in an office environment.
I have had to change how I do everything and start a new normal and make new habits. I started meal prepping which has become a HUGE part of my life as well as sharing easy meals that anyone can make! I am far from being a chef but do enjoy delicious food while coming up with crazy and amazing recipes that are healthier without tasting like it!
I am an extremely proud wife and mom of a son who already has just passed his teenage years. Where does the time go? I work an awesome full time job and love it! Life is amazing and I plan on living the best one I can for years to come! I am blessed to have a big loving and supportive family who have been by my side through all the ups and downs. Never any judgements and always cheering me on.
I started my Instagram page ww-dianas back in 2020 in hopes I can help others. In no way could I ever have imagined how much it has grown and how many people I have been able to connect with. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for all the love and support.
My Favs
Fav Coffee
Dutch Brothers Kicker
Fav TV Show
Shark Tank
Fav Biz to support
Grace & Lace
Fav HOliday
Don’t ever forget where you started and your “why”.
A little progress each day adds up to big results.
Just because you’re struggling, doesn’t mean your failing.
Make excuses or make changes, the choice is yours.
Take care of YOU and enjoy your journey.
We’re all a work in progress. Be patient and kind with yourself.
Surround yourself with those that will support you, cheer you on and love you no matter what.